Are you currently seeking NECO 2023 Biology questions and answers or contemplating strategies to successfully pass your NECO Biology Examination? If so, there's no need to fret any longer.
NECO (National Examination Council) serves as the governing body responsible for conducting the Senior Secondary Certificate Examination and General Certificate in Education on an annual basis.
Here, you will find a compilation of anticipated questions and corresponding answers for the upcoming NECO examination scheduled to take place between June/July and December/January.
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NECO Biology Questions and Answers
1 The scientist who introduced binomial nomenclature in the classification of organisms was (a) Charles Darwin (b) Carolus Linnacus (c) John Ray (d) Louis Pasteur.
2. Which of the following statements is true about arthropods (a) Prothorax bears only legs (b) Mesothorax bears only legs (c) Metothorax bears only wings (d) Prothorax bears only wings.
3. What level of organisation is Spirogyra? (a) Organ system (b) Organ (c) Cell (d) Tissue.
4. The streaming movement of cytoplasm within Paramecium is known as (a) transpiration (b) digestion (c)cyclosis (d) osmosis.
5. Which of the following organelles is found only in plant cells? (a) Mitochondria (b) Ribosomes (c) Lysosomes (d) Plastids.
6 Active transport differs from diffusion in that active transport (a) is a very fast process (b) allows the
movement of substances against concentration gradient (c) take place in both light and dark reaction of photosynthesis (d) occurs in both plant animal tissues.
7. The type of response demonstrated is (a) phototropism (b) geotropism (c) hydrotropism (d) thigmotropism.
8. The conclusion drawn from the experiment is that (a) shoots of plants are negatively thigmotropic (b) shoots of plants are negatively geotropic (c) shoots of plants are positively phototropic (d) roots of plants arc positively hydrotropic.
9. The odontoid process is found on the (a) axis vertebra (b) atlas vertebra (c) thoracic vertebra (d) sacral vertebra.
10. A seedling was made to stand in a solution of red ink for three hours and a transverse section of the stem was examined under the microscope. The process being investigated was (a) the importance of micro elements to plants (b) ascent of water through the xylem (c) diffusion of coloured substances (d) distribution of food in plants.
11, Which of the following structures would carry out respiration? A (a) germination (b) decolorised leaf (c) dry leaf (d) boiled cowpea.
12. Which of the following substances is not an excretory
product of animals? (a) carbon dioxide (b) urea (c) sweat
(d() oxygen.
13. An example of homeostasis in living organisms is (a)
cooling effect resulting from evaporation of water from
the body surface (b) root hairs of a plant growing towards
source of light (c) changing of the body colour of
chameleon to match the colour of the foliage on which it
is resting ((d) the release of phosphorus into the phloem of
a plant growing in a phosphorus-deficient soil.
14. Ultrafiltration in the kidney takes place in the (a) renal
vein (b) medulla (c) loop of Henle ((d) Bowman's capsule.
15. The thyroid gland is located at the base of the (a) midbrain (b) kidney ((c) neck (d) liver.
16. Which of the following statements about the response of
neurones to stimulus is corect? (a) Neurones respond to
stimulus of any strength (b) Neurones respond to all
stimuli applied in rapid succession (c) Nuerones respond
more rapidly during the absolute refraction period (d()
Intensity of stimulus must reach a threshold value before
the neurons can be excited.
17. Which of the following practices may lead to infection of
the eye? Use of (a() contact lenses (b) convex lenses (C)
biconcave lenses (d) concave lenses.
18. The structures for gaseous exchange in breathing roots are
(a) stomata ((b) lenticels (c) cuticle (d) mitochondria.
19 The adult insect in this life cycle is ((a) housefly (b)
butterfly (c) cockroach (d) mosquito.
20 The larva is also known as (a) nymph (b) maggot ((c)
caterpillar (d) chrysalis.
21. The source of energy required by plants during food
production is (a) photosynthesis (b) chlorophyll ((c)
sunlight (d) microorganisms.
22. One major difference between plant and animal nutrition
is the ability of plants to synthesize ((a) food for plants and
animals (b) water for plant (c) water for animals (d) food
for plants only.
23. By what process is starch converted into maltose (a()
hydrolysis (b) condensation (c) translöcation (d)
24. The ascent of water in tall trees is mainly due to (a)
adhesive forces ((b) transpiration pull (c) root pressure (d)
cohesive forces.
25. The duodenum of a person was surgically removed.
Which of the following substances would have their
digestion affected? (a) starch and protein only (b) starch
and lipids (c) starch, peptones and maltose (d)( starch,
protein and lipids.
26. Which of the following instruments is used to determine
the turbidity of water? (a) hygrometer (b) hydrometer (c(
secchi disc (d) rain gauge.
27. In an ecosystem, the least efficient energy transfer link is
from the ((a) secondary consumers to decomposers (b) sun
to producers (c) primary consumers to secondary
consumers (d) producer to primary consumers.
28. Xerophytes have the following characteristics aimed at
conserving water except (a) thick cuticle (b() broad leaf
surfaces (c) sunken stomata (d) waxy cuticle.
34. An association between living organisms in which one
lives on and feeds at the expense of the other is known as
(a) commensalism (b) predation (c() parasitism (d)
35. When large numbers of organisms share limited space and resources, the immediate result is (a) extinction (b)
emigration ((c) competition (d) immigration.
36. Which of the following disease is caused bya bacterium?
(a) ringworm (b) poliomyelitis (c() syphilis (d) malaria.
37. Conservation of wildlife is necessary mainly because (a)
wild species cannot resist diseases better than their
domesticated species (b) many predator wild animals help
in the control of pests ((c) it prevents the extinction of
species (d) many people derive pleasure from observing
wild animals.
Two unconscious patients X and Y whose blood group
genotypes are AO and AB respectively were transfused
with blood from the same donor Patient X immediately
showed signs of difficulty in breathing while patient Y
showed no negative reaction.
38. Patients X and Y were likely transferred with blood of
genotype (a) 00 (b) A0 (c() 60 (d) AA
39. What should the hospital have done to prevent patient X
from showing the symptom described above? Patient X
should have (a() undergone an agglutination test (b) been
asked for the blood group (c) been screened for HIV (d)
undergone malaria test.
40. The greatest contribution to genetic studies was made by ((a) Gregor Mendel (b) Thomas Morgan (o) Charles
Darwin (d) Robert Hooke.
41. The exchange of genes between homologous
chromosomes is called ((a) crossing over (b) back cross (c)
test cross (d) mutation.
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